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I cry

A way of showing that you are crying over a joke refrence.

Note: i crier is also used

This man really just said hes white even tho hes black.
I cry

by BonnerBonner September 3, 2019

18👍 3👎

i cry

A showing that you are of a negative feeling toward something or someone.

"I cry I failed my spanish test"
"I cry I dropped my bag"
"You're so stupid I cry"

by ~KJ~ March 26, 2014

32👍 8👎

Sometimes I cry when I poop

A throwaway phrase best used to make annoying/boring/stupid people think you're crazy, and therefore to get them to stop talking to you.

"Yo did you see last night's football game?"
"Sometimes I cry when I poop"

by PooPoo Garbage LLC February 28, 2022

I wanna cry

Tears won't fall, no matter how hard I try.

:( : I wanna cry

by Internet_Axle June 29, 2022

i want to cry

You want to cry because you are sad or you are bored or you are very bored or you just saw a disturbing image

A dude: I want to cry
A dude2: Why
A dude: because i am super bored

by coolcoolcool1234 October 31, 2021

1👍 1👎

i hear your cry

a saying often used by black people that means "I understand what your saying"

idiot #1 Hey bro the man is keeping me down!
idiot #2 I hear your cry. I hear your cry

by malcolm March 12, 2004

i am crying on the chicken

When something is really incredible, when there are no other words to describe the situation

Minecraft is such a good game bro I am crying on the chicken...

by vizelt April 23, 2024