When a friend or acquaintance receives a haircut that exposes the back of their neck, a common practice is to utter the phrase "I like ya cut G" and slap the back of their neck as hard as humanly possible.
Retaliation is to be expected
"Ohh you playin Minecraft, I like ya cut G" *smacks the shit out of little kid playing minecraft*
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This is a meme that was created by a video showing a man saying the words:
"Oh you playin' minecraft? I like ya cut, G." before proceeding to slap a bald child on the back of the head.
This is often used as a phrase before slapping a person (often someone that recently had a haircut) on the back of the head.
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=2TA6rSkPMPA
Person 1: "Hey man! Look at my new cut!"
Person 2 proceeds to walk behind Person 1.
Person 2: "I like ya cut G."
Person 2 proceeds to slap person 1 on the back of the head.
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A term that's used to describe a tradition that male best friends do when the other friend (the victim) gets a fresh haircut. The victim gets smacked in the back of the head, unexpectedly, while the friend that is receiving the smack has to utter the phrase "I like ya cut G!"
Friend 1: "Hey, did you see that Ryan's got a new cut?"
Friend 2: "Really?!?! We gotta finesse him."
Friend 1: "You know it!!"
*Friend 1 and Friend 2 goes up to Ryan*
Friend 2: "I like ya cut G!"
*Friend 2 snacks Ryan's soul out of his body*
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Something you say before locking or deleting a post.
"I like ya cut G!" *blocked*
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A nice and friendly way of telling you friends you like their haircut!
βHey jimmy did you go to the barber?β
βYeah man I went todayβ
βOoh I like ya cut gβ *SLAP*
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its the sentence you should always say before you smack something round or shiny or newly shaved.
It's origins are not confirmed as it has been remade many times but all the evidence point out to this one vid where A DUDE SEES HIS SMALL 9 YEAR OLD OR SOMETHING BROTHER PLAY MINECRAFT AND THEN THEY GUY SAYS THE SENTENCE AND WHOPS THE KID'S HEAD, RESULTING IN A EAR DEAFFING SCREAM...
"Hmm you playin' minecraft... I like ya cut g!"
*atomic slap to a bald child's head
*child screams
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A phrase, primarily used by black men, used to describe the love of a friend's new haircut, usually followed by a slap to the neck/back of the head. It was originally used in a video of a kid playing Minecraft, followed by a man saying, "Ohh you playin' Minecraft?" and then slapping the back of the kids head.
Guy 1: Oh, you got a haircut?
Guy 2: You already know fam!
Guy 1: I like ya cut, G! *slaps neck*
Guy 1: Bro, wtf?
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