Acronym: I Agree With This Post.
Normally used on bulletin board systems.
in reply to another post on a message board IAWTP!
344👍 168👎
Abbreviation: I Agree With This/The Post.
Mostly used in message board communities.
Also, "I Am Whacking Teh Penir," usually used when someone asks what "iawtp" means.
Poster #1: lol u guyz r teh stoopidz!!11!1 lolololo
Poster #2: You're a retard.
Poster #3:
QUOTE: "Poster #2: You're a retard."
51👍 107👎
Acronym: I Always Wack Teh Penir
A: How often do you fap?
26👍 100👎
Acronym: I Am Wearing Tight Pants
a: look at my new car
98👍 85👎