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ice in the tray

Typically used after a “roast” by a spectator not involved in the initial roast. E.g. Roaster:“Yo that nigga be lookin gay as fuck my g.”

Spectator: “Ice in the trey.”

Ice in the tray

by Ice in the tray February 7, 2018

1👍 2👎

ice tray

Metal cap that covers the front teeth. Usually made of gold or platinum, it exists for the sole purpose of mounting diamonds.

I'm thinkin' 'bout pullin' this ice tray out my mouth and pocketing all my cash.

I'm a waskally wabbit with a mouth full of karats.

by Anonymous August 5, 2003

42👍 12👎

Ice Tray

At Princeton, a gathering friends and casually sipping Smirnoff Ices, listening to Elton John and discussing life. When squad is assembled, you say "Ice Tray the Gang".

" Dudes, are you going to the Ice Tray tonight?"
"Dudes, lets run to Wegmans. We need some Ice for the Ice Tray"

by mrrr. swaggg May 23, 2018

6👍 7👎

Ice tray da gang

When you present your homies with a drink tray full of jewelry for them to wear in the night ahead.

- “Damn, Quavo, are you gonna ice tray da gang tonight or what? My wrist is looking bare.”

by Flocka December 20, 2017

98👍 15👎

care of his ice cube tray

When you take care of a man’s ice cube tray

I took care of his ice cube tray

by corporate barbie June 19, 2024