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1.Ice is a slang for methamphetamine. Icebuzz is the shivering caused by smoking too much meth

2.Icebuzz is also the artist name of Arman Rahnama, a Persian songwriter, rapper and music producer.

I'm really worried about him. He's suffering from icebuzz.
His entire body is shaking for doing non-stop meth.

by Foxphord March 16, 2023


Icebuzz is a fictional character created by Lord Talkhor
Lord Talkhor is musician who also writes short stories, poems and lyrics
To define the word icebuzz you can say it is "the buzz of ice" or "the buzz caused by ice"
Ice can be ice-cream or cold weather or crystal meth... You see?

Like the buzz caused by freezing cold weather
The buzz? Yes! The "happines" if you will.
Happiness caused by having Ice cream
Or making buzz sound with your lips or teeth when your cold

-Have you listened to this band named icebuzz?
-Whats icebuzz?
-It's the buzz of ice

by DopeLobster June 2, 2024