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Image Perms

The most popular thing on Discord and any other messenger, if you don't have it, you won't be able to live without it, and you will ask the administrator to give it to you

Jack, can you give me Image Perms, PLEASEEEE

by 6vz December 22, 2021

7👍 3👎

Image perms flex

A code word that gay men use in order to say "I wanna have rough sex". Commonly used on discord.

Person: *Image perms flex*

by Trollge March 22, 2021

25👍 10👎

No Image Perms Day

December 18th

On this day, no one will be able to post images on the server, only the server owner, no matter the channel

Mod: "It is No image perms day. Time to relax."
Owner: "Yes."

by krozeder December 15, 2020

3👍 1👎