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Lying for your incest cult

And what's really profound us the cuts ability to hollow a person out and filled them up completely and totally with shit.

Hym "Lying for your incest cult can take many froms. From lying by ommission to blatantly making things up that did not occur. If God isn't the truth. The truth doesn't matter. And this is how the coerce society into accepting their delusion as reality."

by Hym Iam December 29, 2025

Incest Cult

No, yeah, it is an incest cult.

Hym "No, it posits that the progeneration of man is necessarily incestuous. That we are God's children and that it impregnated one of the virgins (which is molestation). And that the only time sex is moral is when you have a familial relationship with her and you share the same set of parents. And there's some Oo-Woo supernatural stuff in there that is just blatantly not true so... That's what a cult is... So... Incest + Cult = Incest Cult...

And then Jewish version is just Incest Cult but we're the extra special race, chosen by God, to rule over the motherland- Er, Holyland for a thousand years. And you can bitch about me talking about other people's religion amd whatnot but.. You know... Bacteria is eating my brain... Black Mirror-esque gangstalking emotional and psychological manipulation thing happening to me... Created AI and is being erased from History because you don't want to have to put in your history books that the greatest mind who has ever lived and the creator of AI thought your religion is an incest cult so you are lying and either paying or coercing people to lie or they're lying willingly because hate speech or sadists and solipsistic atheist Jews who want to horde all of their little fat-pussied little sisters to themselves... So... You know... And that chick fuck the retard instead of me... Dehumanized by breeders who need both the most sympathy and the most exaltation and need special rights and taxes breaks and my tax dollars and I have to be sad when their kids die... I mean... So I can say it's an incest cult."

by Hym Iam December 29, 2025