Well indain trail in addison hmm... yee last year before Corona virus hella fights, and that one time were hella people were following this kid all over the school but the kid they were looking for was outside in the school bus hella shit went down. Hella hoes in that school there's that one group of girls aka cool kids and that group of boys the gangster ones. This one dude that dated bout 5 girls at the same time. Teachers were getting so mad cause students didn't really do shit lmao. More gang members or what ever they think. Just be careful if you go to this school cuz trust me if your new nd you claim crip or kings good luck to you your getting jumped on your first day. And also over the summer people got exposed for being trumps supporters haha viva Mexico puto🇲🇽🇲🇽
Omg mom I don't want to go to indain trail there's lots of fights and scary ass people.