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1) A form of change which cannot be characterized as either "progressive" or "regressive," yet still constitutes a definite change in state.
2) A word used in academia to mean "staying the same" while sounding smart.
3) Change which does not proceed in a direction along a some ladder or hierarchy, but stays within the same bracket, rung, or level, while still definitely changing. Characteristic of a range of changes that could move up or down a progression, but instead moves sideways.

1) "While in former times we believed society to either morally regress into meaner and more privative states, or to progress into ever loftier levels of development — today we realize that the morals of civilization are largely isomorphic with those of previous societies and therefore we move only isogressively.

2) "Who I am today is neither better nor worse than who I was a year ago, my changes are only isogressive, and I have not progressed at all in life.

by Pseudophor January 6, 2019