A combination of terms like racist, sexist, homophobe, transphobe, etc. It's a shortened version of including all those terms and it's usually spoken in a sarcastic tone to criticized politically correct or woke pop culture as well as the vernacular speech of Social Justice Warriors.
Go figure, woke mob is going to accuse me of being an istaphobe for not like Disney's Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. It's almost like they have no other argument when we have valid criticisms for the said trilogy.
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A term used to preemptively describe the ad-hominem attacks of woketards that try to invalidate any objective criticism of themselves or their chosen product by labeling any reasonable valid opinion that nonconforms to or does not actively promote the establishment idpol narrative ("The Message") (and by extension anyone that agrees with that opinion), as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc.
Usually done within the context of popular IPs being 'modernized' at the expense of established lore and quality storytelling, which creates strong backlash within the existing fan community, which is then propagandized as 'hate'.
If I say that it's incongruous for there to be black dwarves in the Lord of the Rings by virtue of all dwarves living underground, Twitter will label me as an istaphobe.
42👍 18👎
A collection of words (racist, transphobic, sexist .etc) that extremist liberals use to undermine and discredit people they disagree with. This phenomenon is especially common on the social media platform, Twitter.
"Danksparkle2099 called me an istaphobe after I made a tweet she disagreed with. "
28👍 8👎
Sarcastic term used to preemptively describe the ad-hominem attacks of woketards that try to invalidate any objective criticism of themselves or their chosen product by labeling any reasonable valid opinion that nonconforms to or does not actively promote the establishment idpol narrative ("The Message") (and by extension anyone that agrees with that opinion), as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc.
Usually done within the context of popular IPs being 'modernized' at the expense of established lore and quality storytelling, which creates strong backlash within the existing fan community, which is then propagandized as 'hate'.
If I say that it's incongruous for there to be black dwarves in the Lord of the Rings by virtue of all dwarves living underground, Twitter will label me as an istaphobe.
122👍 20👎
And identity politician who has no other ammunition but labels
That istafobe called our president a racist sexist xenophobe
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