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Abbreviation for "is that your camel". An opening message in online dating-- variation of ITYD ("is that your dog"), but referencing the camel on which so many people proudly sit astride in their profile photos as if everyone else didn't also have a picture on a camel. Occasionally misinterpreted to mean "is that your cat", but, seriously, no one cares if that's your cat.

Person 1: ITYC?
Person 2: Yes! That's my kitty! His name is Snuggle Muffin.
Person 1: Actually I was asking about the picture with the camel.
Person 2: EWW! Gross, you perv!
Person 1: Wait, but you're literally sitting on top of a camel in the desert in that picture.
Person 1: Hello?

by Alec Dickson McGraw August 2, 2020

351👍 2👎


"I think your cute". abbreviation. If you like someone or think they are cute. you put this in hashtag form, write in their yearbook, or do something like that.

"If you looked this up on urban dictionary than you probably read my message I put in your locker and didn't know what ityc meant. Well, now you know.

by gravity6106 March 17, 2013

6👍 3👎


I Thought You Cared

ITYC but I guess not.

by BLemawK February 9, 2016

1👍 3👎