Someone who's really fucked. On the Coast/ Hardest cunt on the Coast. Recent Slang Cunt.
"Your fucked J1nner cunt" " oi cunt j1nerr is fed up with your shit cunt"
Someone who is the most fucked cunt. Flogs cunts all day long. Usually Fucks cunts/pumps cunts from behind.
Recent slang
“Oi J1nerr cunt your the most fucked cunt on the gc.” “J1nerr are you fucked cunt?” “Oi have a fucking crack or quick flog on J1nerr cunt.” “Watch out cunts J1nerr will pump you from behind” “Oi cunt think your hard cunt? Have a crack then cunt see who’s harder J1nerr cunt”
Person who loves to get flogged, usually lives on the Coast.
"Oi J1nerr u bin taking smak, whats the go?"