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Jake the Snake

One of the most notorious kids in all of Cranford. The holder of the Palooza. Supers powers include many women being attracted to him, an oversized penis which rivals that of a humpback whale, super srength, and ultimate coolness. His garage (where various Snakeapaloozas are held) is named the Snake pit. His only weakness is old neighbors...one call to the police and his powers ar rendered useless.

"Wow, is that Jake the Snake? What a good looking man...maybe he'll have my children."

by asdfdf September 4, 2006

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jake the snake

the phrase 'jake the snake' refers to a game, which tests one's ability to jump over a rope, the 'snake,' who happens to be named jake.

shall we play jake the snake?

by jakewuzhere November 10, 2018

A Jake the snake

A Jake the snake is a handsome young boy who all the girls love and the boys are jealous of

Danae: did you see that guy!

Alina: yeah he's such a Jake the snake!

by Mike the bastard March 13, 2022

Jake Jake The Pancake Snake

Leech, Homo, Albino, Fag, Twig, Scrawny, Borderlands Addict, Fallout Addict, Tiny Penis, Thinks hes funny with his arm trick but hes not.

God I hate that Jake Jake The Pancake Snake Guy.

by Left In Walmart September 14, 2018

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Jake the Snake

A fraud dean who betrayed the entirety of the student body of my school. He rather us die walking there than give us the day off in a month where we don't have any.

Student 1: Yo did Morris send out announcements?

Student 2: Yes Jake the Snake on that bs right now.

by StopJake2017 March 15, 2017

Jake the Snake

Lost in a boxing match by forfeiting because of a bunch of excuses and then chatted like he couldve beat the terminator.

I'm feeling tired and need to work on my stamina, oh you're like jake the snake.

by SpicyMuffin24 October 2, 2020