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james pepper

some1 who fancies ms paul and malcolm in the middles mum

james p, the best

by rafi May 20, 2004

8👍 2👎

james pepper

And imogen and mati

(He fancies them)

by n/a May 20, 2004

8👍 4👎

james pepper

he thinks hairy boy chillum has a cute smile.

she is a hairy boy

by rafi May 21, 2004

7👍 4👎

james pepper

someone who eats samosas and calls them jamaican patties.

(theyr indian not jamaican, james)

by ... May 28, 2004

2👍 2👎

james pepper

a well cool person that loves to look at miss stantons arse (tech teacher) and sing in tech as we all no from last lesson when he sung an amazing version of 'i dont wanna no'.

ur not uncool in the slightest

by guess? May 26, 2004

2👍 2👎

james pepper

strawberrys and cream! ;)

fone sex fone sex fone sex fone sex fone sex ;)

by Kris July 21, 2004

6👍 16👎

james pepper

all in all a real safe guy!

sorry ive been takin the piss for so long mate.

(but he does always feel his boobies and fancy uggers girls)

by rafi May 27, 2004

1👍 3👎