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A Danish law where the simple rule is that you're no special, no better than others and no one "cares" about you. Think about yourself before everyone else because no one will save you in the end.
Basically this law says "Fuck humanity, do what you want" This is a "law" of that said that It's not directly a law but many people live up to it. If you combine this law with "Free Speech" or in Danish "Ytringsfrihed" you will basically be able to do almost anything (non-criminal of course) You are you, do what you want, you're not special.

Zammi: I'm richer than you, therfore better and you're a zero!
Bichael: Fuck you, we're all equal. Read Janteloven!
Zammi: You.. fuck...

by hartsupper69 January 9, 2018