Source Code

jefferson county

Missouri county south of St. Louis.

Also known as Jeff County, Jeffco and Meth County

-I'm going to Arnold

-That's Jeff County. Are you going to score some meth???

by BAQinSTL May 10, 2005

49👍 15👎

Jefferson county Missouri

Place where the meth is a unlimited and endless supply

house in Jefferson county Missouri and trailers

by Adolf hitler I August 19, 2011

Jefferson County C-Section

An unplanned cesarean section performed by a person who has intent of raising the child as their own. Perpetrator has already gone to elaborate lengths to stage a "faux preganancy." Due to their families and significant others being addicted to meth, the perpetrator can make it the entire 9 months undetected.

Becky: Damn, Heather where did you get that baby from?
Heather: Well, you know I was pregnant remember?

Becky: I was just making sure that your little bundle of joy didn't come via a Jefferson County C-Section.

by Candice's Momma January 13, 2012

2👍 1👎

jefferson county sheriff

Pretty chills mountain police in Colorado who are very kind and often let you go but are hard core on and the people who actually commit crimes and actually do there job and not really do much traffic control.

hey brother! i'm from the jefferson county sheriff hows it goin, got a complaint next door about your music, could you turn it down a bit, thanks BUD talk to ya later!

by ryfly May 2, 2008

1👍 6👎

jefferson county sheriff

Pretty chills mountain police in Colorado who are very kind and often let you go but are hard core on and the people who actually commit crimes and actually do there job and not really do much traffic control.

hey brother! i'm from the jefferson county sheriff hows it goin, got a complaint next door about your music, could you turn it down a bit, thanks BUD talk to ya later!

by ryfly May 2, 2008

1👍 7👎