Source Code

Jennifer Garner

One of the hottest women to ever walk this planet.

A: Hey dude thats the hottest woman ive ever seen!
B: I know thats Jennifer Garner.

by Arpi November 7, 2004

338👍 191👎

Jennifer Garner

One of the hottest girls ever...
stars on a show called Alias.

The only reason people watch Alias is because of Jennifer Garner.

by Anonymous July 7, 2004

221👍 171👎

Jennifer Garner

A hot girl who is a great actor. She is so sexy.

Whoa dude that's the hottest girl I've seen.

Yeah its Jennifer Garener!

by Calc January 2, 2005

186👍 175👎

Jennifer Garner

hott ass bitch

damn she's fine

by Anonymous June 17, 2003

112👍 174👎

jennifer garner

Hotttt hott hotttt woman.

Jesus Christ Jennifer Garner is hot I want to spank that ass of hers and bend her over when she's wearing a tight black dress and slide my dick into her pussy and fuck her brains out as she moans and sweats.

by fdgr November 4, 2006

117👍 160👎