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when you shove your erected penis between a girls breasts.

Dude A: Yo, last night i was with this slut and i got to jigglyfuck her.
Dude B: Oh dude no way!

by Roofies June 10, 2008

7👍 2👎


To get pwned by a jigglypuff

Player 1: dude that jigglypuff just pwned you
Player 2: nooooo! i have been jigglyfucked

by J.o.h.n.G February 3, 2009

8👍 1👎


When you are playing "randoms" in Smash Bros, and you get stuck with Jigglypuff

Aww man, I just got JIGGLYFUCKED!
Friend: Yes you did!

by da-unit June 21, 2015