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jodio joestar

Jodio Joestar is the main protagonist of the ninth part of the JoJo series, The JOJOLands.
He is a 15 yeard old gangster living in Hawaii with his elder brother and his mother.
His stand is the November Rain.

"Who is the JoJo of part nine?"
"Jodio Joestar"

by Incognitux February 18, 2023

13👍 1👎

jodio joestar

A funky lil' gremlin who can make it rain and sells drugs to kids. The antithesis to Giorno

high-schooler: You know who jodio joestar is?
high-schooler #2: you mean the weed goblin?

by SoozaSimp March 20, 2023