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A delightfully sexy man, generally worldly wise and well acquainted with the internet. Absolutely irresistable to all females, with eyes to die for and a delightful body.

Damn, last night was so good he could have been a jonti.

by em January 10, 2004

61πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


to be a man that is very easily hungered, a jonti is very fat and most of the time found eating food.

Wow i saw this jonti last night, he was so overweight!

by GWBWEAWRT March 18, 2008

15πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A name used to describe a particularly popular, intelligent and admirable person. Often used as a term of endearment.

"Jonty, that is just this side of decadence."

"Why thank you Jonty."

"You have excelled yourself Jonty."

by Carl Dadd December 23, 2004

323πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž


king off all living, and is perfect in any way possible, and is hereby better than any other persons inhabiting the earth.

Wow look its Jonty, lets bow to him

by jonathan May 14, 2003

172πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


Jonty is more than a girl could want, he's loving, he's respectful, he's caring and most of all he's loyal. He has the cutest smile, and his eyes are so bright. Jonty is a boy who doesn't know his worth and beauty. He is in love with this one girl and plans to be together from now on and in the future. He has a compassionate heart that cares for the people he is closest to and loves the most. Boys at school admire being like him and are jealous of his praiseworthy looks and outgoing personality. Jonty has a pure and sensitive soul and feels like he doesn't fit in because of these teenage boys’ insecurities, they try to ignore him because they feel threatened by him. All these boys wanted the girl they didn't get and can't have and now Jonty has her. He's simply amazing and attractively different. There's one thing that no one can see about him, is how strong yet fragile he is, like glass that’s nearly impossible to scratch yet easy to shatter, others cruel or harmful words hurt him and stick with him for a bit, but he is resilient and eventually shakes it all off when it comes to someone, he loves he will fight for them through the worst and best moments. Once Jonty is gone out of someone's life romantically whether that be permanent or temporary, the pain that is felt is nearly physical and an urge and craving to feel his touch. Don't ever lose him.

Boy 1 "ugh look, dude, that's Jonty"
Girl "BOY u just mad as hell u ain't as good as him.... in any way!"

Girl 1 "OMG... it's Jonty, he is so fine..."
Girl 2 "Too bad he's got a girl... she so hot too ;)"
GIRLFRIEND "Back off, he's my man!! and thanks gurl"

by imurdadsshhh November 7, 2021

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A Jewish name given by parents who want their son/daughter to have a original name. Jonti can be short for Jonathan or Johnny.

Person A: Congratulations, its a girl.
Father: What should we name it sweety?
Mother: How about Jonti.
Father: Wow that's so original.

by Killer Koke Kan April 23, 2009

36πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


an amazingly sexy man with a massive cock amazing in the bed and can give you an orgasm with only his tong

1# - lets go find a jonty
2# - why?
1# - cause I'm really horny from sucking on your cunt and i need a dick in my pussy

by annalise132435 November 9, 2008

106πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž