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Judeo-Christian values

An oxymoron. This is a term uneducated (and people who typically don't want to learn) use to try to clump Judaism and Christianity together, despite them being nothing alike. It is a nonsense phrase.

Bob: "I want to raise my children with Judeo-Christian values"
Janet: "Judaism and Christianity are nothing alike, there's no such thing as 'Judeo-Christian values'"
Bob: "You're wrong!"
Bob: *storms off angry like a child*

by skulk-collective March 1, 2023

10👍 3👎

Judeo-Christian values

A buzzword used by watered-down pussy right-wingers (like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, or all of Fox News, for example) trying to appeal to arrogant self-described "centrists" or "center-rightists", and which is understood by non-anti-religious conservatarians as meaning enlightenment values like free speech, and by Bible thumper rednecks as not letting'em gays hold hands. The main reason this buzzword gets used is because it can appeal to both of these demographics (which are this phrase's main target audiences), by meaning wildly different things to wildly different people. The reason these very different groups (sometimes) serve as audience for the same talking heads (Ben Shapiro et al) is that they both hate the authoritarian SJWs, albeitly for different reasons, and people will sometimes group by the logic of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

Jordan Peterson or whatever : Western Civilisation is based on Judeo-Christian values.

SJW: "Judeo-Christian values" is a RAYCIST dogwhistle!
Normal person: Western Civilisation is based on Enlightenment values, because people in Europe stopped thinking of the (Christian) church as infallible sometime during the Renaissance, leading to technological advancement. Also Judaism was insignificant in the Europe of this time, when compared with Christianity.
Donald Trump or whatever: There is an attack, there is an attack, on Judeo-Christian values. And how tremendous... There is a tremendous attack, there is.

by Clarity 1997 September 4, 2021

6👍 23👎

Judeo-Christian values

An Orwellian buzzword for watered down Nazism.

At a recent values voter summit, exposed publisher of watered-down Nazi ideology Steve Bannon claimed to support Judeo-Christian values.

by Aunt Tifa Lockhart October 18, 2017

32👍 265👎