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Jungle Cat

A crazy mother fucker.

Did you see Franco at the bar the other night?

Yeah, he glassed a punter. He's a total Jungle Cat.

by Curry Sanchez November 16, 2010

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Jungle Cat

Another Name for a black person

Eric: Yo why are we in brentwood?
Murph: I know right, mad jungle cats

by Jungle Catzzz January 26, 2011

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Jungle Cat

Women who prefers or pursues African men.

That cougar is acting more like a Jungle Cat.
That Jungle Cat is looking for some Jungle Love....

by www.zazzle.com/KrunchiMochi January 11, 2013

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Jungle cat

A vagina shrouded in thick jungle-like bush.

Bro you went down on her jungle cat? I would have made her shave first!

by One eyed cat lover January 2, 2018

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Jungle Cat Juice

A mixed drink containing Orange Soda, and Pinnacle Whipped Cream Vodka. Created by Matt Taylor and Eric Kirianow of Long Island, New York

Jungle Cat Juice Fucks you upppp

by Murphdirt22 March 7, 2011

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homicidal psycho jungle cat

See hobbes

Calvin's Mom: Sleepwalking!
Calvin's Dad: Nightmare!
Calvin: Homicidal psycho jungle cat!

by Cats December 7, 2003

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African Jungle Cat Rapist

A large black man who tends to dress as a feline animal to arouse other women or men, lead them into the alley, and rape them repeatedly. Afterward they proceed to eat the victim with chopsticks.

Dude, I was behind the building smoking some weed, and I saw an African Jungle Cat Rapist walking by and I just took off running!

by LTmcbisket June 21, 2010

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