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Couch Juror

A Couch Juror is a person who sits at home and watches news stories of a person accused of a crime. This person then forms an opinion from filtered and biased news from either Conversative or Liberal networks. They then post on facebook and twitter about how the person is or isn't guilty based on their new-found "expert" knowledge of the situation. These people are closely related to "sheeple."

Friend 1: OJ so did it man! They found a glove and the news said he did it. Give that guy the chair! I even checked Snopes, they said he did it.
Friend 2: Man, stop being a Couch Juror, you know nothing about what happened other than what the media tells you and your sheeple friends.

by thedrod March 26, 2012

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Juror No. 7

The Juror nicknamed (by the press) "Strawberry Shortcake" in the 2004 Scott Petterson trial and is the Juror at the center of the controversial Petterson's retrial request.

His lawyers say he should get a whole new trial because Juror No. 7 allegedly lied about having previously been a victim of domestic violence.

by talk2me-JCH2 August 11, 2022

Juror's Beard

The beard a person grows when they miss work because he is sitting on a jury.

Like the playoff beard in sports, the juror's beard is worn until the end of the trial.

Peter: Dude, did you see Richard's beard? It looks like he spent the last week and a half in West Virginia.

Samuel: Nah, he has been in court and is rockin' the juror's beard.

by RedBeard53 March 22, 2011

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The Rural Juror

A film based on a Kevin Grisham novel starring Jenna Maroney as Constance Justice, a lawyer. It's the prequel to Urban Fervor. Liz & Co had trouble pronouncing the film's title and this has been used as a running joke throughout the series. It is also the title of the tenth episode of 30 Rock.

Jenna: Does Jack Donaghy even know I'm in "The Rural Juror"? Maybe if he knew I had a film career, he would treat me with more respect.
Liz: I will tell him. I will tell him that you are in a feature film called "The Rur Jur".

by fungdark August 21, 2010

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Vagina of Jurors

Incompetent Jurors who are irrational and do not use reason to propose the verdict.

A Vagina of Jurors decided I was guilty for a crime I did not commit!

by POLITE_ALL_CAPS_GUY April 15, 2013


A person who is hand picked to be manipulated towards "justice"

You are given a sample of jurors, but Nick can't be a part of this pow wow...

by FromDust June 18, 2021