How someone of "conservative mind and superior morals" disapprovingly describes an excessively-butt-baring outfit that a young lady wants to wear to a social gathering of some kind, such as a dance, party, or school prom.
A lot of times when a middle-aged-or-older matron or neighborhood gramma cluckingly criticizes a teenage girl's somewhat-revealing gown as "just assking for trouble", one should seriously wonder if her real reason for objecting is that she is simply jealous that **she herself** no longer possesses a cute firm behind --- or maybe NEVER DID to begin with --- and therefore she is no longer "getting any" from the available hot hunks around town, and so she cannot stand to see a shapely younger filly gaily showing off her "merchandise" for all da raging-hormone-steeped youngblood-studs at da gathering to lust over.