this school is the equivalent to a world war 2 fking warzone, you have people screaming in the morning and autistic people in the school's sports team. students are all damn xiasuey, tables thrown off tenacity block level 3, toilet cubicles broken down. school's sports team sucks (cus got autistic nigas), one of the worst schools in the entire west.
got this discipline cher name elydia, if you have her as one of your subject teachers u are considered damn suay, talking to her is another scolding session for her, this elydia is extremely biased and judgemental, always like to find problems with students, last time not like that UK, now discipline leader act all satsat one knn. why discipline teacher no discilpline
Everything is so fcked up honestly ni sekolah takde cara bodoh wan check phone without the owners knowledge not only just that they also went thru yr hidden or recently deleted lol elydia fking xsuayy
juying secondary school XIASUEYYYY