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Kampen is a name given to a very special kind of person. No one quite knows how each of the world's various Kampens came to be, nevertheless, every person knows at least one Kampen. A Kampen is a human being, always of the male gender, who just has no fucking clue. He constantly makes shithead remarks that no one asked for, and doesn't seem to grasp the concept that everybody on planet Earth has a brain except him. These men have no brain. One would wonder how each of the world's Kampens managed to survive the amount of time that they have, but you can rest assured that natural selection will weed them out eventually.

Some characteristics of Kampens:

- Plays Fortnite

- Has a 'phone radar' that can instantly sense when someone pulls out a phone.

- Asks what model phone is that

- Asks what games are on that phone

- Asks how long you've had your phone for

- White

- Probably a Christian

- Wears shorts, every fucking day

- Never shaves, so just has an ugly-ass half-stache above his upper lip

- Voice is squeaky as fuck

- Makes sex jokes without knowing what they mean

- Definitely a virgin

- Makes Yo Mama jokes

It should be noted that people named Kampen do not have special needs. If they did, you could just call them special needs.

Teacher: What is thirty-one plus forty-eight?
Kampen: Sixty-nine!!!
Teacher: Fuck you Kampen, see me after class.

by BaddSpelur October 31, 2019

18👍 2👎