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Karl Rove

The Whitehouse deputy chief of staff. An overweight Sith lord with the conscience of a slave trader.

Karl Rove: "You don't get to be an overweight sith lord by eating reasonably sized portions; I put down as many of those $50 lobbyist meals as Abramoff will give me."

by author September 30, 2006

1041๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž

karl rove

Karl Rove is Dick Cheney's vice president. Because Cheney must remain in undisclosed locations while deciding what policies the U.S.A. will follow, he requires an iterim administrator to manage Dubya day to day, and spin bad publicity. Karl Rove is a proven expert and fills this position.

A: Leaked the name of CIA informant Valerie Plame as part of his political agenda

B: After the FBI first interviewed Rove for Watergate, the Republican National Committee - then chaired by Bush the Elder-looked into the charges, decided they were baseless, and offered Rove work.

C: Entered politics by breaking and entering - to steal letterhead

D: E: F:...ad nauseum

While Karl Rove is a proper noun, it can certainly be used as verb:

Dude - my wife just caught me fucking a 17 year old - in the ass.

Shit man, you better K-rove that shit quick. Put some acid in her co-workers desk that she hates, and tell her that evil bitch is trying to split you guys up.

by -waste301 November 7, 2006

314๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Karl Rove

The puppetmaster behind President Bush. Originally an angel, he fell from the grace of God and descended to the seventh layer of Hell. Mr Rove, aka Satan, sent him up during the campaign of former Texas governor Bush to test the will of our nation. Somehow, President Bush, probably to appease his daddy, decided that Satan should advise him of all matters political and foreign. Rove, more than others, has influenced everything Bush has done--from fucking over our foreign policy to our defense system to our homeland policies such as education and economy. Rove will be the destruction of our nation.

Karl Rove advised the President on foreign policy and how to destroy Governor Dean's campaign. Then he spit out venom from his eyes on a liberal, and flew back to the West Wing, screaming, "I rule this country! Screw my puppet President and this whole country! I am Satan's spawn and I shall turn this world into a fiery pit such as the one I am accustomed to!"

by PPabs October 17, 2003

801๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž

Karl Rove

Leader of the dark side and controller of all that is evil. In Star Wars he was known as the Emporer while George Bush was called Darth Vadar.

If you challenge Bush, Karl Rove will shoot you with bolts of electricity from his fingers.

by kate November 22, 2004

624๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž

Karl Rove

The most evil man alive, as well as the most powerful man alive. Controls the Republican spin and lie machines. Has a lengthy record of using smear tactics to help Republican candidates win election

Karl Rove stole an opponent's letter head and used it to promote a party offering free beer and girls

Karl Rove bugged his own office and blamed it on his opponent

Karl Rove claimed the Clinton administration defiled the White House only to be proven wrong by the GAO.

by Neocon Killer October 3, 2004

1345๐Ÿ‘ 350๐Ÿ‘Ž

karl rove

The Anti-Christ. An embodiment of all evil.

Karl Rove leaked a CIA agent's name. Karl Rove makes me feel like throwing up.

by Ellithreia June 4, 2006

313๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

Karl Rove

Political mastermind and advisor to President George W. Bush. Acts as Bush's brain, in part because Bush's is microscopic. Can also be likened to "scum of the earth" and "lowest form of humanity". Generally speaking, feces have more ethics and character.

"Karl Rove is a parasite. Anyone who leaks the name of a covert CIA agent as retribution for exposing his own lie is guilty of treason. Therefore, any American who believes this piece of crap actually cares about his country is far too stupid to be alive."

by Lazarus Ciccone September 30, 2005

479๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž