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The villain of Final Fantasy 6. Kefka has a vast array of one-liners that other villains would kill for, dresses like a clown, and is the epitemy of insanity. Appearing just like a loony, crazy general in the beginning, Kefka's insanity is fully grasped as he kills off his emperor and literally rearranges the shape of the planet... At the end Wielding a cruel, twisted weapon called the Light of Judgement, unleashing dragons, demons and the ATMA weapon upon the world, plunging the world into ruin, seated on the throne of the world in a tower made of Earth and garbage, killing millions of people, and not giving A DAMN about it. Kefka is the only villain whose plan actually succeeds and who gains the power of the Gods. The best villain of all time...

"Hope, Life, Happiness, I will destroy these things." -Kefka

"Nothing can beat the music of a hundred voices screaming in unison!" -Kefka

by ChaosKefka March 28, 2004

213πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Kefka is the primary villain in the Squaresoft video game Final Fantasy VI (known as Final Fantasy III in the U.S.). Kefka is an insane, egomaniacal villain who starts out as a mere lackey but eventually acquires godlike powers. He is perhaps best remembered for his dedicated sound effect, a shrill maniacal cackle.

Kefka, as a character, has had a profound impact on the Final Fantasy series as well as role-playing games, and story-driven video games in general. Beyond his popularity with fans of the game, his presentation as a character was radically different from other final bosses, who were often large, demonic figures with no bearing on stories in video games other than to serve as a final challenge. Kefka broke this tradition, not only for his portrayal as a largely humorous character, but also plotwise, beginning the game as a low-level yes-man, gaining influence and power before finally becoming a global threat.

Kefka's full name is Kefka Palazzo, although this is not actually mentioned in the game. His first name is believed to be derived from the name of the author Franz Kafka.

Kefka, though a profoundly unique individual from the series, is also one of the most forgotten. Squaresoft, now Square-Enix, popularized the Final Fantasy series with three-dimensional graphics in Final Fantasy 7, a worldwide phenomena that made the series a mainstream cult following. The change was brought when President Yamauchi of Nintendo disputed with Squaresoft and refused to work to them. Nintendo lost Squaresoft until Yamauchi's resignation when Nintendo took its remaining assets and pleaded for Squaresoft to return.

Nevertheless, Squaresoft brought the series to the Sony Playstation and Final Fantasy moved from a small cult following to a worldwide gaming market. In attempt to resurrect their old games, Squaresoft released Final Fantasy VI in a compilation with it's predecessor, a never-seen Final Fantasy V in America. Though most elitist gamers find the cartridge speeds and sounds excelled on the cartridge compared to its CD remake on the Sony Playstation, Final Fantasy Anthology may be the only way consumers can see Kefka in Final Fantasy VI.

---Kefka's "history"---
Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.

Kefka was the first volunteer for an experimental Magitek infusion, under supervision of a scientist named Cid. The process was flawed, and although Kefka gained the ability to use magic, it shattered his sanity.

The Empire, a worldwide influence of fear and control, led its attacks by General Leo, General Celes and General Kefka.

Kefka spends much of the game as a mid-level minion of Emperor Gestahl, the ruler of the corrupt kingdom which largely controls the civilized world. Kefka's maniacal zeal in carrying out the Emperor's dirty work pits him against the heroes of the game on a number of occasions.

Kefka's major attempt at destabilizing an underground resistance, known as "The Returners," began to unfold when Terra Branford, a child raised by Gestahl after The Empire killed her hometown, murdered fifty of the Empire's finest soldiers within less than three minutes. In response, Kefka used a technology-based mind control apparatus that wrapped around Terra's head. Its shape and positioning on the head dubbed it "Slave Crown." Kefka abused her abilities and made her kill soldiers with the use of the crown. Kefka commanded the controlled Terra to seek out a rumored creature of magic in the caves of a mining coal town to the northeast. Later, a townsman removed her crown after her defeat against the creature, causing amnesia and very slow progression towards remembering The Empire's deeds.

Kefka's crimes include arson, poisoning, genocide, regicide, and omnicide. He is soon mortally wounded in a confrontation with Celes, and in the resulting fit of pique he betrays the Emperor and destabilizes the Goddess Statues, artifacts of enormous power, thus becoming a god at the cost of causing a near-apocalypse.

After the end of the world, Kefka uses the magic he absorbed from the Goddess Statues to create a massive tower of random debris to serve as his headquarters, using his powers to smite millions of people who refuse to worship him. Many global inhabitants form the "Cult of Kefka" in his honor to avoid certain death.

Kefka rules over the planet for approximately one year, before the heroes of the game regroup and attack his stronghold. During their final battle, Kefka reveals to the heroes that he has developed a nihilistic revelation, explaining that life is meaningless and his goal is now the destruction of everything.

During the final battle with Kefka, the player must fight through several forms of the character, as is traditional with final bosses in role-playing games. Several of these forms are interpretations or parodies of Renaissance art, including Michelangelo's PietΓ , with an image of Kefka replacing that of Jesus Christ; as well as the character's final form, as an Angel of Death.

Kekfa is also notable for many humorous one-liners during the course of the game. The following are taken from the original English translation of Final Fantasy VI.

"These recon jobs are the pits! ...AHEM! There's SAND on my boots!" - To his soldiers, who clean his boots and salute.

"I'd hate to see anything happen to your precious Figaro!" - The day before Kefka sets Figaro Castle on fire.

"Wait, he said. Do I look like a waiter?" - While engaged into battle by Sabin at the imperial encampment near Doma.

"Nothing can beat the music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison!" - After poisoning the Doma river to kill all of the city's inhabitants.

"I hate hate hate hate hate hate... hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE YOU!" - to Celes, after she stabs him in the gut instead of executing her friends.

"Run! Run! Or you'll be well done!" - While zapping the Emperor with lightning after acquiring the power of the Goddess Statues.

"This is sickening... You sound like chapters from a self-help booklet! Prepare yourselves!" - During the final confrontation, as a reply to the heroes' clichΓ©, melodramatic "what we've learned on our journey and why we fight against evil" speech. This line gave rise to the term "self-help booklet scene" among gamers to refer to similar sequences in other games.

"Life... dreams... hope... Where'd they come from? And where are they headed? These things... I am going to destroy!" - Final battle dialogue

by Atrocity December 23, 2004

546πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


Best Final Fantasy character ever.

Kefka: "Son of a submariner!"

by Xvall September 25, 2005

109πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


1) General: The main antagonist of Final Fantasy VI. Has a propensity to wear flamboyant clothing, spout witty one-liners, laugh maniacally and commit random, indiscriminate acts of homicidal mania.
Detailed: Full name Kefka (originally Cefca) Palazzo. A magic-imbued military leader for the Gestahl Empire who plays by his own rules, which typically involve using methods that blatantly defy the Geneva Convention. Is extremely sharp-witted, displaying a crazed theatricalism emphasized by extravagant (and somewhat campy) gestures and mannerisms. Psychological profiling would show his mindset to be predominantly nihilistic, which would explain his amusement/fascination with death and destruction.

2) Any person who seems to enjoy wreaking absolute havoc in an almost childlike manner, typically a player of a multiplayer first-person shooter or MMORPG displaying such tendencies. Synonymous with smacktard in some contexts.

1) Kefka's outrageous antics may portray him as one not to be taken seriously at first, but time and again, he'll do things that make Pennywise look pound-foolish!

2) I hope Kefka over there doesn't decide to go on another one of his spontaneous team-killing sprees.

by Keepin' It Real March 28, 2004

98πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


the Villian in Final Fantasy 6 for SNES. In some opinions,the best villian. there is even a "cult" to him in the real world. Weilds Light of Judgement,a VERY Powerful spell. Dresses Sort of like a Clown. Sadistic,Psychotic,and hates everybody. Can sometimes act immature.

"I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE you!"

by Aquila December 20, 2003

170πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


An incredibly cliche villain in FF6.

FF6 fanboys love to claim Kefka is the "zomg best villain ever!!11!" simply because he "destroys the world" (when in fact all he did was reshape it)

Kefka is evil.
You may ask: "Why is he evil?"
The answer:"Because he just is." (the game literally gives no reason why he's evil, which just shows what a horrendous villain he is)

FF6 fanboy: "Kefka is da best villain eva!!!!"

by Bobby21956987 July 16, 2011

34πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


Final Fantasy 6's villain. More insane than FF7's villain, Sephiroth.

He hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates HATES you.

by Cyndane January 17, 2005

323πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž