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He is a god and should always be right and you always wrong you should always listen to him/her they wonโ€™t ever be wrong

OMG is that a kerim he is so handsome and smart

by Jocksly March 3, 2019

103๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A male name for an amazingly cool Turkish guy. The life of the party, Kerim is always up for a laugh. He proves an exceptional friend, and everybody loves him.

"Wow that guy is amazing, his name must be Kerim!"

by Chumbawumba17 March 27, 2010

167๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sexy man with a sexy body. He can get any girl he wants. He is loved by everyone but he only wants people who care about him. He has been through girl and girl and cannot find Miss Perfect. If you can have a Kerim, don't let that man go. You will regret it. He is a Turkish soccer athlete. He has a lot of intelligence looks and friends. Very popular sexy guy. He is also religious and doesn't go for everyone. He is the perfect man, husband, friend or boyfriend.

Funnn man Kerim

by messi100202 December 1, 2012

82๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Kerim is a sexy human being with a huge cock and a sexy body. He is very popular and funny and all girls love him. Kerim tends to have curly hair and a 6 pack. Every body wants to fuck Kerim!

Do you just see that new kid Kerim, He is so fit! And he has a huge cock!!!

by bob1233265t23yu January 22, 2021

17๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A motherfucker with massive tits.

Oh, there is Kerim! His bench press pr is 200kg!

by Mike Werner May 20, 2022


A Kerim is always super hot. He has a sexy voice, face and body even when he thinks he doesnโ€™t. He can be a little cringy, but in a really cute way. With Kerim you can most definitely have a good laugh. He loves his sleep, thatโ€™s why it takes him such a long time to respond to your texts. But donโ€™t worry, heโ€™ll respond in the next 3-5 business days.

Kerim can be shy from time to time, but with the right person and the right conversation, his freaky side will come out. Shy where?

Overall is Kerim a really fun person to talk to and for sure a good friend.

โ€˜So I just saw this really cute guy walk by, could it be Kerim?โ€
โ€˜Nah, I donโ€™t think so, Kerim rarely comes outside.โ€

by lily naileah December 1, 2021


guy who is an overthinker, constantly darlamak by making clear that he is fully aware of his mistakes

"Ayh stop kerimming, you are thinking way too much."

by harika.cansu April 12, 2022

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž