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Keyboard Seizure

When someone spazzes out on a keyboard or on there phone typing thingy.

OyIGr(dfoa&^obit*YDCHPYIGlu *pua&(wt :s8ODIG oPWT:*(OTD Is a good example of a keyboard seizure.

by SpooderManiac December 22, 2014

15👍 1👎

Keyboard Seizure

When an individual types gibberish on the keyboard when in a random mood.

Girl: "Hey, what's up?"
Boy: "vifbikbviuabfvkhnsm bvhbvhbfvbf"
Girl: "WTF?"
Boy: "Sorry, just had a keyboard seizure"

by Roxy13grl January 3, 2011

8👍 3👎