Born "Michael Green" on June 2, 1987, in South Carolina. Son of the internet superstar, Angry Grandpa. Widely known by being the mastermind behind the internet show, "The Angry Grandpa Show". Otherwise known as a disgusting, gullible, overweight, vlogger who never listens to his fans. He used to upload vlogs of his dad's angry blowouts, but now mainly focuses on clickbait, pranks, and only cares about YouTube ad revenue.
Also goes by the nickname "Bitch boy" because of how easily he is scared.
Other aliases: Pickleboy
Dillon: "Why is KidBehindACamera not uploading full clips of his promised unseen Angry Grandpa videos?"
Ethan: "I don't know, man, he keeps cutting in during the video to say something or cry and it's fucking annoying as shit."
Thomas: "Why is KidBehindACamera blurring out cuss words? The cussing is what's funny!
Brandon: "It's because he only cares about getting ads on his videos to make money. He doesn't care about his fans anymore.
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