Taking something that was once good and making it childish therefore ruining it for any other generation to come
They kidzboped it when they made teen titans go
Why listen to the original song sung by the artist, when you can listen to the song by children that make it worse ?
"Hey, did you hear about the new kidzBOP?"
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a bunch of in mature kids that needs to get sued and go to jail for fraud. plus they makes the songs bad kidzbop
KidzBop is trash
So imagine you are listening to some shit some by Justin Bieber. Now, imagine if some fucktard took that song and made even more shitty teens sing that same song but even worse than before just to get insane amounts of cash off 10 year olds and younger thinking that it is the worlds best music.
Kid: Hey Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Guess what!
Mom: What (insert disgraceful child's name here)?
Kid: KidzBop just made a new album, can I get it? They're also having a concert on a cruise and are going on a tour all across America. Can I please go?
Mom: Sorry (insert disgraceful child's name here), we just don't have enough time or money.
Kid: I'll tell dad about you and the neighbor and hate you forever if I can't go!
Mom:*Mumbles under breath* I should have never gave birth to you you piece of shit.
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