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Kiss a Femboy Day

On July 21st it is national Kiss a femboy day. On this day you must kiss any femboys you know who consent to it as an apology for Beat a Femboy day the day before.

Guy 1: hey it's kiss a femboy day today!
Guy 2: oh no, I beat up so many femboys yesterday...

by notacutefemboy July 20, 2023

3👍 2👎

Kiss a Femboy Day

On July 21st it is national Kiss a femboy day. On this day you must kiss any consenting femboys as an apology for the day before, which was Beat a Femboy day.

Guy 1: hey dude, it's kiss a femboy day today
Guy 2: oh no.. I beat up so many femboys yesterday...

by notacutefemboy July 20, 2023