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Knowledge Leach Nazi

n. one who leaches (extracts) knowledge from others by using his/her peers' memorized facts, experience, and/or skill set; and then taking credit for work completed based on that leached knowledge; if his/her peer/s does/do not respond right away, the Knowledge Leach Nazi finds fault in said peer usually cc'ing the manager, team-lead, or supervisor of the fact that said peer has not responded; a Knowledge Leach Nazi usually refrains from researching the facts beforehand and does not know what RTFM is; the Knowledge Leach Nazi knows he/she can simply force the knowledge from said peers either by intimidation, escalation to management, or sighting a time constraint for said peer to respond.

That guy is such a knowledge leach Nazi! Just the other day he wrote me a 12 page email asking for assistance on an install he fubar'ed, but when I didn't email him back within 30 minutes he forwarded the email to our manager claiming I wasn't being cooperative!

by Mr. JizzMyBizz August 8, 2007

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