Source Code


Law Abiding Citizen ( LAC )

Yo ion gangbang im LAC

by PlugOnTop July 4, 2023


L - Law
A - Abiding
C - Citizen

Jake : “Yo bro you saw that music video John made?”
Micheal: “Yeah bro, i didn’t know he was in the LAC gang, we might have to join him”
Jake: “Totally bro!”

by monkey_doo July 7, 2023


Law abiding Citizen

“See that dude over there. He’s a LAC”

by JD got Cut July 5, 2023


Liberal Arts College. Common abbreviation on College Confidential (the website).

The transfer acceptance rates for the top LACs are as follows...

by Howard Roark June 3, 2007

64👍 50👎


Legion Of Artistic Criminals
A graffiti crew based in Rangoon, Burma. Started around the end of year 2009. This crew was formerly known as BOB crew and then changed name to LAC as a few new members joined in. Now LAC crew represented in France, Australia, Singapore but mainly based in Burma.

A fairly new graff crew based in Burma
LACs- living against Capitalism

by coldomatic November 1, 2011

18👍 11👎


Liberal Arts College

LACs tend to place more of an emphasis on undergraduate education and offer a more traditional, broad, and general education across the academic spectrum.

by Superlove Librarian May 1, 2019

1👍 1👎


Law abiding citizen

I'm not a gangsta; i keep it LAC, son.

by trinh nguyen May 1, 2008

14👍 24👎