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To get extremely, recklessly drunk before anyone else; inspired by Jim Lahey and Jake Ewing

Guy 1: Boy I tell ya, it has been a long week I can’t wait for the darty tomorrow
Guy 2: Tell me about it, I’m gettin fuckin lahey’d tomorrow!

by FunnyDog55 June 26, 2019


verb. To continually chug hard liquor in the same matter of Jim Lahey from trailer park boys.

dude i told terry he could take a shot from my crown royal and he just straight up started to lahey that shit

by dean mcCowsky August 7, 2008

134πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


the fucked up, drunken ex sunnyvale trailer park supervisor on trailer park boys.

lahey's so fucking gay.

by cindersiren August 2, 2004

169πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


(Verb) The act of consuming hard liquor, such as rum, whiskey, vodka, etc. directly from the bottle. The chug must last at least 7 seconds. The word is derived from the Canadian mockumentary series 'Trailer Park Boys', where the main antagonist, the alcoholic Trailer Park Supervisor Jim Lahey regularly consumes liquor directly from the bottle.

The boys and I were Laheying rum all last night in honor of John Dunsworth, may he rest easy.

by LurkinTurkey May 17, 2019


Non-cop "quality of life" code enforcers in small towns with cop radios.

Oh shit, hide the beer can! A Lahey's coming this way.

by Foo Bar March 14, 2005

57πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


To speak of technology without actually using facts

Whitey 1: So the active directory is very important to your business, will add business value and be valuable to how you get new customers. So how is that squash game? Did you see the leafs last night?
Whitey 2: Crap he is pulling a lahey.

by Dude looks like a lady May 12, 2003

8πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

Lahey juul

Another word for a breathalyzer, which is a device used to monitor one's blood alcohol content (BAC). Dubbed 'the Lahey juul' because in the television series "Trailer Park Boys," Jim Lahey (park supervisor) frequently uses a breathalyzer in a similar fashion to a nicotine addict.

Yo I got pulled over by this cop who was super chill. He even let me hit his Lahey juul.

by Suckmytoes_77 April 19, 2021