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lesbian prison rape

not unheard of in prisons, dildos are smuggled in inside prisoners' pussys. the lesbian prison rape is carried out by causing the "victim" to drop their soap in the showers and, when they bend over to pick it up, ramming them up the ass with a dildo.

aargh beii that way some rich shit nigga lesbian prison rape fuck going doooooooooooown

tell me bout it mush, that bitch's ass got fucked up!

true, true

by buswanka November 18, 2010

45👍 23👎

lesbian prison rape

when a girl rapes another girl in prison

lesbian prison rape: so theres this girl...horny and lives in prison. so she gets this broomstick and shoves it up her crotch. mmm mmm. then she tells the other bitch to BEND THE FUCK OVER!!! she then sticks the other end up the other bitches ass and fucks the shit outta that bitch....in the ass!!!! WITH A BROOM!

by good time July 13, 2008

62👍 78👎