It is when you are begging for like or trying to trick people into likeing your comment to get attention.
These comments often end with something akin to "Like if you agree"
Its called like whoring because your whoring out your dignity for likes
Like whoring comment on youtube: "Omg, that was sooooo funny, like if you agree ๐๐๐๐"
2230๐ 425๐
Someone who pretty much begs for attention by posting Facebook statuses that appeal to as many people as possible for the sole purpose for getting a million "Likes."
Frank: Dude, Jamie just set her Facebook status as "Truth is..."
Joe: What a like whore.
283๐ 46๐
describes annoying assholes who make Facebook statuses that appeal to as many people as possible so that they can get a ton of 'likes'. Popular mechanisms employed by like whores include:
"to be honest" statuses
"like this status and me and (insert name of second pretentious bitch) will make you a video"
"I hate it when..."
Dude 1: Oh look, it's Sunday night and Jessie doesn't want to go to school tomorrow. Cool fucking story.
Dude 2: What a like whore.
99๐ 18๐
A commonly growing species of Attention Whore, Like Whores post Facebook statuses saying things like this;
"Like this if you remember XXX"
"Like if you love your grandma, ignore if you want her to die"
"Like if you love Ice cream, ignore if you want to be raped"
"Like if you love god, ignore if you love Jesus"
"Like if you feel sorry for him/her/them"
Like Whore: Like if you feel sorry for this kid!
Jamin: Yeah, because liking a Facebook picture is going to cure cancer!
Like Whore #2: Like to support them!
Like Whore: Like if you love god, ignore if you love satan
Jamin: Bitch I ain't religious!
52๐ 8๐
a person who wants likes for attention or clout
Guy 1: "Bro, this dude said if I like his comment, Ill get a free video game!"
Guy 2: "Man, he's probably a like-whore."
Someone who goes to an effort to make a meaningless or obvious Facebook status in an attempt to receive as many likes as possible.
John Smith is such a Like Whore he doesnt even care about the floods hes just in it for the likes
81๐ 25๐
A egotistical person who expects a lot of people to 'like' their Facebook posts, no matter how stupid, or not-well-thought-out they may be
Bogart: Did you see that link I posted on your wall?
Sam: Yeah, what of it?
Bogart: Did you like it?
Sam: Yeah it was okay
Bogart: Well...
Sam: Well what
Bogart: How come you haven't liked it?
Sam: Jeez, you like whore
44๐ 13๐