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Lior is the type of guy who is a girl's dream. He's kind and sweet. He is always there for you, even if he doesn't show it. He doesn't seem like the type of guy who has emotions but he's probably the most sensitive mother trucker you will ever meet. He'll always make you laugh and do so much for you when he is in love. He is the type to respect women no matter what. And I seriously mean no matter what. He is usually a nerd too, but probably a cute nerd. Never let go or hurt a Lior. They are the best people out there even though they are annoying at times.

Boy 1: I don't get how Lior gets so many chicks!
Boy 2: I don't either. He is such a nerd.
Girl: Maybe if yall were nice and more like him, you'll figure it out too.

by thesearefunny November 12, 2020

143πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A lovely fucker.
Sensitive but perverted.
Sexy and still smart.
Hes all what women need in bed, and out of it.
Some of them might be stalkers, pedos or rapers, but it is all because the society these days.

Woman 1. Oh my gosh look at him hes so handsome!
Woman 2. Yeah he looks so.... Lior!
Woman 1. Hell yeah!

by Some one from over there >>>> July 25, 2009

184πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž


Lior’s are funny bois. They only wear expensive hoodies. Cool bros,they’ll hook up with you and get your money and then becomes a millionaire-tipical Lior’s

He’s a millionaire?... he must be a Lior

What a funny boi Lior is

He likes the volleyball team he’s such a Lior

by Wowthisisamazing June 26, 2019

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Rich motha fucker from L Town. Who the fuck owns a Bentley at 16? This kid has everything.

Dave: Fuck man, I wish I could go pay my bills.
Steve: Man, go ask that Lior kid..

by Jake194405 May 26, 2009

73πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


A guy who stains his pants.

Lior?! what's that stain?

by a man who knows April 26, 2009

117πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


Man with large cock, magic fingers, and knows how to use his tongue. Women usually can't resist him in bed.

That Lior gave me the best orgy ever

by Unknowng November 30, 2008

154πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž


Lior is a person who is cool, but he plays a lot of games, and sometimes he doesnt even finish his work because of it, he has a pretty strange hairline, and is a coppertop. But he is generally a smart and cool guy.

Bob: Lior is so smart!
Joe: He plays chrome games.

by 2hwesdfhiuhaisudhf April 20, 2022