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little pussy bitch

A person that seems to be a pussy, but at the same time also a bitch
Most commonly seen as: "Lil' pussy bitch"

Jared: "Oh god, i don't want to ride the rollercoaster"
Michael: "M8, you're such a lil' pussy bitch!" (Little pussy bitch)

by Senpai KΓΌn San May 13, 2016

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little pussy bitch

When someone has no muscle and also a pussy bitch

Yo miles, your a little pussy bitch

by Djmyz January 31, 2016

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pussy little bitch

A weakling, one who derives pleasure from being a little bitch.

Someone who calls in sick to work because they "pulled" a muscle. "Goddamn you are being a pussy little bitch right now."

by Miss Yoda February 2, 2015

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