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living dead girl

Original kickass song by Rob Zombie

Turn off that Soulja Boy shit, let's hear it for Living Dead Girl!

by asd;lkfja;dslfkja;sdlfkjas;dlfkjas;dflkj November 10, 2007

57👍 16👎

Living Dead Girl

A girl/women who loves the dead. Loves to watch zombie movies and can handle anything incredibly brutal on tv. Would love to have a career in anything involving the dead. A women who watches more grusom things than anyone she knows. Loves to watch and learn, but will not go as far as doing the nasty with corpses, or going to cemetaries and digging up corpses. Or anything like that.

"Are you going to watch that new zombie flick with Kathryn?"
"Yeah dude! She's the only girl who can handle watching stuff that brutal, she's the original living dead girl!"

"I hear ya."

by Kaybc123 August 4, 2009

24👍 7👎

Living Dead Girl

An irresistible girl who has an insatiable love for the dead.

Person 1: Have you meet that new chick?
Person 2: Yeah, she's so beautiful!
Person 1: Yeah, but she's like obsessed with death. She is always hanging around the morgue and the cemetery behind the church .
Person 2: I guess that kind makes her like a living dead girl then, huh?

by Carolinemc9414 October 4, 2017

8👍 2👎

Living Dead Girl

A woman who has had the girl inside of her killed. She carries the child dead inside her. Hence living the woman she is dead killed by another or by her own hand girl her innocence or the child inside of her.

That stripper with the hollow, haunted look in her eyes, she's a real living dead girl.

by AsburyBlue1962 March 3, 2018

2👍 13👎