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People who can't differentiate from fiction and reality. Calling people pedos when they like lolis and doing absolute mental gymnastics to say that a picture is an actual living being. They also have no proof when accusing people of pedophilia besides "uh.... Liking loli=pedo, I rest my case"

Person 1: have you ever heard of r/lolitary before?
Person 2: oh yeah that. Aren't they the ones who accuse people on the internet for liking anime lolis?
Person 1: yeah.... To think they'd rather help fictional children than actual ones...

by *insertgenericnamehere* April 12, 2022

6077πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


A anti anime subreddit for people to spread misinformation and hate about anime. Admins systematically ban any post/comment that isn't fully dedicated to hating anime. One of its usage is setting up brigading campaigns against anime-dedicated communities, and another one is setting up harassments campaigns against Twitter and Reddit users. The community felt a big slow to its growth when its most prominent administrator, informally known as Aqua, got permanently banned for hate speech.

The only mechanism the community members use to legitimate their actions is putting their opponents in little boxes and then labeling those boxes with 'people that are wrong', exactly like far right politics or radical islamists.

It is broadly known, to this day, that it's a waste of time to talk with any member of r/lolitary since they spend their time stuttering nonsense and insults to anybody who remotely doubts the legitimacy of their latest harassments actions.

by DigammaF April 12, 2022

1346πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


A sub Reddit filled with idiotic neckbeards that believe liking drawing of small chested anime girl makes you a pedophile whilst also secretly masturbating to it themselves and whenever someone tries to refute their point and give valid criticism they ignore it and yell pedophile not thinking about anything else

Person 1: look people who likes anime girls they are a pedo let’s brigade them
Person 2: I don’t like children can you leave us alone

Person 3: ye can you
Person 2: oh god there a member of r/lolitary

by ShiroDawn April 12, 2022

675πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


r/Lolitary is a subreddit full of teenagers who think that defending fictional drawings will help real children, not only that they also put CSAM survivors at the same table as lolis by calling lolicons pedophiles.

Their arguments does not hold any credible evidence done by psychologists, scientists or any professionals that states that fictional drawings can help someone transition from fictional drawings to REAL children.

r/lolitary bans anyone that provides concrete evidence that proves or counters some nonsense they spout.

r/lolitary normally brigades, raids and harasses users on the platform "reddit" that contains lewds of SHORT women and lolis which is understandable but sometimes they would flood subs with gore and horrendous shit they got from the dark web.

Their raids or brigades normally contains prison or fbi memes but they sometimes contains something graphic like gore or REAL CP/child porn but they rarely happen

Surprisingly r/lolitary is not yet banned even though they broke reddits Tos multiple times which are: brigading, harassment, threatening other users

"kys, kill yourself, jump of a bridge",
Raiding, encouraging suicide

"kill yourself followed by you should do it you faggot" and racial slurs

One of the moderators from r/lolitary switched sides to r/antilolitary.
Ever wonder why he/she/they did that?

Guy: I wonder why r/lolitary would spend most of their time gathering evidence of a minority on r/antilolitary, even though it doesn't help real children in any way.

Dude: probably because they can't differentiate fiction from reality.

Bro: seems like they are most likely neckbeards or teenagers that think they're heroes for brigading, harassing and threatening users and subreddits for liking fictional children or short women.

by YourAverageSmartAss April 13, 2022

472πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


A subreddit full of 35-48 year old pedophiles neckbeards whose entire existence is for projecting their their sexual fantasies onto other people and harass people online. They all have extreme cases of schizophrenia but act like they are always morally in the right. They like to use ironic and unfunny memes unironically in their arguments and also like to make up facts that doesn't exist and pretend nothing is wrong when one of their own is doing illegal things. They also like to make up and keep bringing up "facts" that has been debunked countless times. They don't have a real job since they dedicate all their time to look for loli artworks to harass people and real CSA material to use in their arguments. Members of their groups have been revealed to be actual pedophiles and child groomers multiple times but they will defend them with their dying breath saying fictional porn is worse.

Person 1: So you like you loli characters huh?
Person 2: Yes I do
Person 1: So you like this huh you Pedo *shows real CSA pictures
Person 2: WTF?
Person 3: Classic r/Lolitary member behavior

by PomuHub April 12, 2022

601πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


r/Lolitary is a subreddit full of teenagers who think that defending fictional drawings will help real children, not only that they also put CSAM survivors at the same table as lolis by calling lolicons pedophiles.

Their arguments does not hold any credible evidence done by psychologists, scientists or any professionals that states that fictional drawings can help someone transition from fictional drawings to REAL children.

r/lolitary bans anyone that provides concrete evidence that proves or counters some nonsense they spout.

r/lolitary normally brigades, raids and harasses users on the platform "reddit" that contains lewds of SHORT women and lolis which is understandable but sometimes they would flood subs with gore and horrendous shit they got from the dark web.

Their raids or brigades normally contains prison or fbi memes but they sometimes contains something graphic like gore or REAL Cp but they rarely happen

Surprisingly r/lolitary is not yet banned even though they broke reddits Tos multiple times which are: brigading, harassment, threatening other users

"kys, kill yourself, jump of a bridge",
Raiding, encouraging suicide

"kill yourself followed by you should do it you faggot" and racial slurs

One of the moderators from r/lolitary switched sides to r/antilolitary.
Ever wonder why he/she/they did that?

Guy: I wonder why r/lolitary would spend most of their time gathering evidence of a minority on r/antilolitary, even though it doesn't help real children in any way.

Dude: probably because they can't differentiate fiction from reality.

Bro: seems like they are most likely neckbeards or teenagers that think they're heroes for brigading, harassing and threatening users and subreddits for liking fictional children or short women.

by YourAverageSmartAss April 13, 2022

648πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


r/lolitary is a subreddit dedicated to finding and shutting down organized groups of people sharing media depicting children in sexual scenarios or a sexual context. These depictions may be real photos or videos of children or in the form of drawn images, commonly anime-styled drawings, usually known as lolicon or shotacon.

r/lolitary has faced criticism after multiple events, but mainly, there are people opposing r/lolitary for brigading subreddits and shutting down groups that are sharing sexual media depicting specifically fictional children (see r/antilolitary).

Example 1:
Person A: "Did you see that post on r/lolitary about the subreddit sharing inappropriate images of children?"
Person B: "Yeah, I hope it's been taken down by now."

Example 2:
Person A: "Man, I saw on r/lolitary, there's another lolicon subreddit."
Person B: "You're in that subreddit? Honestly, they're too extreme."

by OneBadBoi April 14, 2022

24πŸ‘ 1375πŸ‘Ž