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lol worthy

lol should not be accredible at any time. however if need be used, if you hear a statement that is funny and you want to let person know that you literally laughed out loud, it is lol worthy.

Kevin: Let's have a playdate sweet pea.

Sweet Pea: That was lol worthy, what are we toddlers?

by BAlleRinAZ April 15, 2009

lol worthy

When something is worthy of being laughed out loud at.

"Did you see Superbad?"
"Yeah, it was pretty funny, but not lol worthy."

by /Buttsecks?/ February 22, 2008

7👍 3👎


Quite simply, when something is worthy of 'lol's.

Kid 1 "Remember that time you *insert hilarious incident*!"
Kid 2 "Man, that was lol-worthy!!"

by Mr. Ment November 4, 2007

18👍 2👎