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Long Lake

Long Lake is an 11 mile long lake in the heart of Maine's Lakes Region. Superior to neighboring Sebago Lake for its causeway and lots of options for Entertainment and food at both ends of the lake. Best lake in all of Maine, home to the Songo River Queen II Paddle Boat. Fuck you Sebago

Guy 1: ya I went to long lake this weekend it's fucking dope

Guy 2: I stayed at that shithole Point Sebago, and I didn't do shit and there were rich people everywhere

by NokomisNorth June 1, 2017

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Long Lake

A lake in Wisconsin where the pimps and playa's roll, spitting there game upon the lovely women of the state. California and Illinois come together to ride together here at Long Lake. Staying Crunk 24/7 and living by the quaff.

Dude lets go to Long Lake so we can be like the pimps out there and get some pussy.

by Kevin Cray July 13, 2004

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long lake camp

this is for the long lakers who would do ANYTHING just to be back at long lake camp for like 2 seconds...
to all the long lakers who spent hours rehersing, danced untill they collapsed, sang untill they couldnt sing anymore, sat through the princess bride, longed for midnight pizza, snuck food at the water park, snuck candy from packages, spent the 4th of july at the beach with the 'townies', been to hosses at least once, played teather ball, lost teatherball, know every word to rent, spent hours in the fab, have yelled hand check, have been yelled hand check by a counsler, groaned when hearing the word sports, attempted to climb herm rock, sat on the ladies bench, satin an oversized adirondac chair, signed the pac, the rylee or the walls of your bunk, know why hell night should be called peace and love night and why the next morning is hell, barely slept on hell night, cried because the session was over and of course... made the most amazing frineds

yeahh i went to long lake camp this summer.. and it was no joke the greatest 3 weeks of my life

by long lake obsessionn October 29, 2006

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Long Lake Camp

You Know You Go To Long Lake When:

You meet the most amazing people in the whole world

The second someone starts playing Seasons of Love on the piano everyone starts singing, and it sounds amazing

You know all to well that people w/ accents are sexier than those w/out.

You know the finale/dance to Chorus Line regardless of whether or not you were in the show.

You can quote The Princess Bride word for word.

You see people sucking fingers in public and it doesn't seem wierd.

You get "The Talk" within the first week of camp and still manage to get away with everything on hell night.

The only reason people play sports are because of the hot sports staff.

The first thing you think about when sitting in an Adirondack chair is the HMS.

When Roxey's Suite from Chicago plays you get "excited".

You have to side hug counselors because the owners are scared you will have an affair with them if you hug them.

You continue to fight over whether or not counselors are gay or straight weeks after camps over.

You are either Jewish, Rich or Like boys. You MUST fall under one of these three categories.

You have gotten caught buying things at Enchanted Forest/Water Safari.

You understand the meaning of "having aids" or "being pregnant".

You were new and at first you thought OD meant overdose.

When you hear the word sports, you groan.

You cut the line every night to get canteen, regardless of whether you want it or not.

You go rain dancing, mudlsiding, or "Slip-n-Slidding".

You know every word to Rent.

You know what to say to "Dance Department.." and "Circus Deparemnt.."

You own a homade pair of pajamas from the FAB.

You have been to Hoss' at least once.

You put your silverwear upside down in the Moooo. or know what a moo is for that matter

You have recieved or given a lap dance.

You have played a stupid game like Spin the flashlight / Never Have I ever.

You constnatly see or are part of big orgies.

If youre a girl You walk around in your pajamas looking like crap because you know that all of the boys are gay.

You have either rang or contemplated ringing the bell.

You have played and lost a game of tetherball.

You sneak around the back of the Unit Leader Shack or use the phones under the stairs just to maximize your call time.

You have hooked up with somebody. Come on, you can't go to Long lake and not hook up with anybody.

The townies thinks you are an indie art feak and look at you weird at the fireworks when you skank to the band.

You have friends in other countries.

You have yelled at table caller or told them to put you on the list before your bunk is even there.

You have a hidden stash of food from Water Safari.

You run to get to sunday morning breakfast.

You know how to Skank and love the camp's ska band.

You have conquered herm rock.

You found a way to pass the time during Superman Returns

You know how to get to Urinetown

You have friends who write erotica...on request.

You've wanted to kick those little kids out of their mini-cars and go joy riding.

Girls: You know boys that wear more makeup than you.

You hug and kiss all your friends...regardless of gender.

You've been offered a temporary home in someone's basement.

You know the gay boys have to stay away from the girls cabins...you just dont know why.

You have gotten yelled at while trying to find the makeout shack.

All of your stories at home begin with "At my camp..."

CAMP owns your life and all of your camp friends are your best.

long lake camp is my lifeee

by long laker 2006 August 25, 2006

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long lake camp

you know you go to long lake when :
- you put nutella on everything

- you long for pizza night

- you are either gay, rich, foreign, or jewish

- you live for bagel sunday

- there’s one kid in your bunk who gets the entire bunk sick
- you cry on hell night

- you LOVE aaron abs and owen creative writing

- the meatloaf tastes suspicious and they did sweeney todd last session

- you’ve seen tommy at least 3 times

- you know every word to camp rock and high school musical

- when an upper stone/herm 1 kid yells “no cuts!” but you yell back “cit cuts” even tho you’re not a cit

- you drink the enhanced water

- your bunk is a shitshow
- when you wonder why makii doesn’t choreograph any numbers for the dance show

- you miss dublin

- you come back with an entirely new vocabulary/accent

- all your friends are crazy talented

- you lose all your socks by the end of camp

- the word “sports” haunts you

- will fencing = bae
- you get sick right before your show

- you know where urinetown is

- when you get yelled at while trying to go to the fuck shack

- you’ve been branched

- you’ve had a laundrytastrophy

- you know all the calls during announcements

- you hate at least one of your counselors/unit leaders

jeff scares you

- you HAVE hooked up at camp (don’t deny it, everyone’s done it.)

- literally none of your counselors are from america

- you put on some POUNDS at camp

- you get campsick the day after camp ends because you miss all your best friends :(

long lake camp is my favorite place on earth.

by longlakeluvr69 August 16, 2019

Long Lake Camp For The Arts

You know go to long lake when: (Updated)

-You know can quote the Princess Bride word for word
-You have the most amazing friends
-You wake up at 4:30 Am on casting day
-You wish you were a CIT until you actually are
-Its your ultimate goal to be in a "Sam Show"
-But "Jaque shows" aren't too shabby either
-You hear rumors of Pippin 2012 3rd session
-You saw Pippin 2012 3rd session and cringed
-You know Makii doesn't walk to the rylee she drives
-You've made/eaten edible art
-You ship Dan & Robin Circus
-You think "its a hard knock life" when you have to clean the toilets during bunk inspection.
-You cut the line for canteen weather you want it or not
-You have conquered Herm rock
-You use hairspray in every production no. matter. what.
-You have rang or contemplated ringing the bell
-You try to take a "Light nap" during rest hour and wake up a zombie
-You've gotten yelled "hand check!" at you during bonfire night
-You wear pajamas to breakfast because everyone loves you no matter what
-You know all the words to the spoon song
-You try to use the phones on the outside of the unit leader shack to maximize talk time
-You've taken one drink and TWO pieces of candy at canteen and felt like such a badass
-You get "The Talk" within the first week of camp and still manage to get away with everything on hell night.
-You envy the golf carts passing by you as you walk up to the sports field on sunday
-You love long lake with all your heart

Long live Long Lake Camp For The Arts

by LongLaker2k15 February 25, 2015