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Hello, if you ended up searching the LOONA up and finding this, congrats! Get ready for this shit storm of me being terrible at explaining simple stuff.

The LOONAVERSE is a fantasy lore concept created by the company (and a bitch ass named Jaden Jeong), Blockberry Creative, for the global girl group LOONA (LOOΠΔ – 이달의 소녀).

The LOONAVERSE consists of the story between each of the 12 members of LOONA. It’s also a universe based on a formation of a möbius strip, with the three fronts of one represented by the three LOONA subunits (and baby Yeojin, ig, lol.)

The first upper front is 1/3, as well as representing the normal human world itself, while being the only ones with connections to all the worlds combined, they consist of Heejin, Hyunjin, Haseul, and Vivi. (Yeojin is here as well, she is normally placed with the girls of 1/3 because she wasn’t old enough to be in a unit when she officially debuted with LOONA.)

The middle front consists of the ODD EYE CIRCLE, representing middle “earth” and being the “helpers” of the strip. The members of this unit being Kim Lip, Jinsoul, and Choerry.

The last downward front consists of YYXY, representing the magical, yet tyrannical world of EDEN. The members are Yves, Chuu, Gowon, and Olivia Hye.

If you’re genuinely interested in the cool theories, amazing music, and very sweet girls who do everything to make people around them smile, try to get into them! Avoid twitter and tiktok ORBITS though. Fuckers will annoy the shit out of you.

Person 1: Hey, What’s the LOONAVERSE?

Person 2: A downwards spiral into a group named LOONA, if you ever get into that kind of lore, just remember that no one is the villain and the moon revolves around them.

Person 1: Hmm, interesting. Thanks.

Person 2: No problem.

by HiHighCentral July 13, 2021