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lost media

Media such as art, music, movies, etc. that is not readily accessible.

The Moore Murder’s audio tapes are considered lost media; the courts never released it.

by Nemesis T February 26, 2020

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Lost Media Wiki

This is the place where people from the Lost Media Archive broke off and made their own website to write about pieces of lost media. This website is less of a mess and isn't ran by snot-covered children who are looking for lost episodes of their favorite Nick Jr. show.

Did you hear about the lost on-air suicide footage of Christine Chubbuck? You should check the Lost Media Wiki.

by Crimmmmmm March 2, 2017

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Lost Media Archive

A place where a bunch of dumbass kids go to write about minor pieces of lost media related to their favorite shows. An endless circlejerk of poorly written articles.

I went onto the Lost Media Archive today and I laughed my ass off at the terrible articles.

by Bid Dickens March 1, 2017

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