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lost puppy

a hopeless person that follows you around for your affection or time because they love you

stella was following me around like a lost puppy at school today

by im joking don’t b mad dawg πŸ˜”β˜οΈ August 13, 2021

27πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

lost puppy

someone who is from an abusive home life and is shielded by friends.

her friends treated her like a lost puppy, and wouldn’t let anyone touch her.

by swimmerjazzy July 12, 2019

10πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Lost Puppy

A hopeless, affection-starved social retard who instantly falls in love with any female who acknowledges them.

Ever since I started sitting with Corey at lunch, he's been following me around like a lost puppy.

by dLoaf November 5, 2009

85πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Lost Puppy

Someone completely incapable of doing their job and/or just simple task.

Today was horrible. I was stuck with a Lost Puppy and I had to pick up his slack all day.

by B-Dev February 3, 2012

21πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Lost Puppy

One who becomes best friends with someone who has issues in some way; abusive family, bullied, etc..., and tries to fix the issues. Basically taking in strays.

Girl A: Wasn't Evelyn hanging out with Shylanne all the time last month? And now she's with Poppy all the time?

Girl B: Yeah she seems to be taking in strays.

Girl C: Maybe she has Lost Puppy Syndrome?

Girl B: Didn't Shylanne have a crappy family? And none of her friends liked her?

Girl A: Omg yes. And Poppy has an abusive family member or something. Maybe she hangs with Evelyn just to get away from that??

by red.umbrella_black.dress March 23, 2016

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Lost Puppy Syndrome

One who finds themselves only dating people who have issues that they feel like they could solve.

A person who is only attracted to people that have problems(drug addiction/abusive parents/ect.) and thinks they could protect and nurture them back to happiness.

Jenny has lost puppy syndrome, her last boyfriend was a recovering addict and now shes dating a guy that was raped by his own dad. She thinks she can change him, too bad the last one went back to drugs.

by thebirdandthebee April 8, 2011

64πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

lost puppy syndrome

When one who is in a relationship finds themselves constantly looking around for their significant other at seemingly random times in hopes the other will randomly appear.

Also used when texting, where there is a lull in the conversation and you finds yourself staring at your phone or checking it often to see if a new text has arrived that you somehow missed in the 3 seconds since you last checked.

Can be abbreviated LPS

Bob: What is Steve looking around for?
Charlie: He's hoping that Susan will show up any minute
Bob: Isn't she in Georgia?
Charlie: Yeah but he's got lost puppy syndrome... he can't help but looking around

by nandjare1 December 19, 2009

59πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž