A universal untruth held only as a truthful doctrine by immature prats with no concept of proper humor.
Okay, next person to say that "loud equals funny" is getting locked in a room full of subwoofers with russian hard-bass playing on loop for 4 hours. We'll see who's laughing then.
123👍 59👎
A universal truth held as a doctrine by normal people with a functioning brain.
Okay, next person to unironically believe that loud equals funny is getting locked in a room full of subwoofers with russian hard-bass playing on loop for 4 hours. We'll see who's laughing then.
59👍 47👎
A universal truth held as a doctrine by normal people or people with an actual functioning brain.
Okay, next person to unironically believe that loud equals funny is getting locked in a room full of loudspeakers set to max gain playing USSR earrape theme. We'll see who's laughing then.
19👍 27👎