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Internet lingo for "matey", a slang word for friend. Not to be confused for a firework.

"Here's that firework video you requested"
"thx m80"
"No they're just roman candles"
"u wot m80"
"Uh, no M-80's. Did you get the right video?"
"fo sho m80"
"...Okay whatever"

by poopybottoms May 17, 2014

149๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A shorter way of saying matey, usually on the internet. Also used by pirates.

Yarrrr, m80!

by CokRubbin May 19, 2015


a shortened version of "matey"
also used by pirates using internet chat

Pirate 1: ahoy m80
Pirate 2: ahoy m80 lets chat

by TSwany March 30, 2016


people for whatever reason, consider m80's to be "fireworks" or "firecrackers". but dynomite is an explosive, and whats an m80? quarter stick of dynomite!!

they don't make big colorful sparks in the sky, nor small colorful sparks on the ground/partially in the air. no,the soul purpose is to literally blow something up with an m80. a solid object, not just blown of for the hell of it. make sense? stupid? idk. idc. it's just my point.

m80. there's the freaking example.

by y2c July 5, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


A type of firecracker that is quite effective in bothering local neighbors, family pets and of course, senior citizens.

After Doug lit an M80 on the back porch, Mr. Jenkins was in need of a new pair of underpants.

by Swedishhotpocket September 25, 2008

109๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


when a mans penis (usually after swimming in a cold pool) becomes incredibly small and could in a way be related to an m80 firecracker.

guy1 "hows it hangin bro?"
guy2 "m80'd right now"
guy1 "just get out of the pool?"
guy2 'yeah man"

by juggalohomie24 July 14, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

m80 firefighter

The act of taking a m80 and putting it into a girls vagina or ass and the man has till the fuse of the m80 runs out to ejaculate onto the fuse to put it out before it explodes

Hey Matt what ever happened with you and Amy?
Oh we tried to do the m80 firefighter but my hose didn't work

by fuckupmind November 5, 2015