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Maccy D

A chav term for MacDonalds. Often used to impersonate chavs when in town.

"Shall we go to Maccy D's?"


by Riteous Mango July 28, 2005

77👍 24👎

maccy d's

Slang for McDonald's, originating in Ulster

Rite lads, we're goin' down till Maccy D's - are youse lot comin'?

by craiglynn666 January 30, 2005

67👍 29👎

Maccie D's

Slang term for the well known fast food company Mcdonalds, mainly used by young children or teenagers.

Hey. you wanna go maccie D's? im starvin.
Yeah, ill get a big mac or sumet.

by Bailzz January 6, 2007

20👍 7👎

maccy d

Macdonalds da best place 2 go wen cruising

who is cumin up maccy d`s wiv me

by gob shite May 21, 2005

20👍 35👎